! function(e, o) { "use strict"; "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function(n) { return o(n, e, e.document, e.Math) }) : "object" == typeof exports && exports ? module.exports = o(require("jquery"), e, e.document, e.Math) : o(jQuery, e, e.document, e.Math) }("undefined" != typeof window ? window : this, function(e, o, n, t, i) { "use strict"; var a = "fullpage-wrapper", l = "." + a, s = "fp-responsive", r = "fp-notransition", c = "fp-destroyed", d = "fp-enabled", f = "fp-viewing", u = "active", h = "." + u, v = "fp-completely", p = "." + v, g = "fp-section", m = "." + g, w = m + h, S = m + ":first", b = m + ":last", x = "fp-tableCell", y = "." + x, C = "fp-auto-height", T = "fp-normal-scroll", k = "fp-nav", L = "#" + k, A = "fp-tooltip", O = "." + A, I = "fp-show-active", E = "fp-slide", M = "." + E, B = M + h, R = "fp-slides", z = "." + R, H = "fp-slidesContainer", D = "." + H, P = "fp-table", q = "fp-slidesNav", F = "." + q, V = F + " a", j = "fp-controlArrow", Y = "." + j, N = "fp-prev", X = j + " " + N, U = Y + ("." + N), W = "fp-next", K = j + " " + W, _ = Y + ".fp-next", Q = e(o), G = e(n); e.fn.fullpage = function(j) { if (e("html").hasClass(d)) $o(); else { var W = e("html, body"), J = e("body"), Z = e.fn.fullpage; j = e.extend({ menu: !1, anchors: [], lockAnchors: !1, navigation: !1, navigationPosition: "right", navigationTooltips: [], showActiveTooltip: !1, slidesNavigation: !1, slidesNavPosition: "bottom", scrollBar: !1, hybrid: !1, css3: !0, scrollingSpeed: 700, autoScrolling: !0, fitToSection: !0, fitToSectionDelay: 1e3, easing: "easeInOutCubic", easingcss3: "ease", loopBottom: !1, loopTop: !1, loopHorizontal: !0, continuousVertical: !1, continuousHorizontal: !1, scrollHorizontally: !1, interlockedSlides: !1, dragAndMove: !1, offsetSections: !1, resetSliders: !1, fadingEffect: !1, normalScrollElements: null, scrollOverflow: !1, scrollOverflowReset: !1, scrollOverflowHandler: e.fn.fp_scrolloverflow ? e.fn.fp_scrolloverflow.iscrollHandler : null, scrollOverflowOptions: null, touchSensitivity: 5, normalScrollElementTouchThreshold: 5, bigSectionsDestination: null, keyboardScrolling: !0, animateAnchor: !0, recordHistory: !0, controlArrows: !0, controlArrowColor: "#fff", verticalCentered: !0, sectionsColor: [], paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0, fixedElements: null, responsive: 0, responsiveWidth: 0, responsiveHeight: 0, responsiveSlides: !1, parallax: !1, parallaxOptions: { type: "reveal", percentage: 62, property: "translate" }, sectionSelector: ".section", slideSelector: ".slide", afterLoad: null, onLeave: null, afterRender: null, afterResize: null, afterReBuild: null, afterSlideLoad: null, onSlideLeave: null, afterResponsive: null, lazyLoading: !0 }, j); var $, ee, oe, ne, te = !1, ie = navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|playbook|silk|BlackBerry|BB10|Windows Phone|Tizen|Bada|webOS|IEMobile|Opera Mini)/), ae = "ontouchstart" in o || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0 || navigator.maxTouchPoints, le = e(this), se = Q.height(), re = !1, ce = !0, de = !0, fe = [], ue = { m: { up: !0, down: !0, left: !0, right: !0 } }; ue.k = e.extend(!0, {}, ue.m); var he, ve, pe, ge, me, we, Se, be = function() { var e; e = o.PointerEvent ? { down: "pointerdown", move: "pointermove" } : { down: "MSPointerDown", move: "MSPointerMove" }; return e }(), xe = { touchmove: "ontouchmove" in o ? "touchmove" : be.move, touchstart: "ontouchstart" in o ? "touchstart" : be.down }, ye = 'a[href], area[href], input:not([disabled]), select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), iframe, object, embed, [tabindex="0"], [contenteditable]', Ce = e.extend(!0, {}, j); $o(), e.extend(e.easing, { easeInOutCubic: function(e, o, n, t, i) { return (o /= i / 2) < 1 ? t / 2 * o * o * o + n : t / 2 * ((o -= 2) * o * o + 2) + n } }), e(this).length && (Z.version = "2.9.6", Z.setAutoScrolling = ze, Z.setRecordHistory = He, Z.setScrollingSpeed = De, Z.setFitToSection = Pe, Z.setLockAnchors = function(e) { j.lockAnchors = e }, Z.setMouseWheelScrolling = qe, Z.setAllowScrolling = Fe, Z.setKeyboardScrolling = Ve, Z.moveSectionUp = je, Z.moveSectionDown = Ye, Z.silentMoveTo = Ne, Z.moveTo = Xe, Z.moveSlideRight = Ue, Z.moveSlideLeft = We, Z.fitToSection = Je, Z.reBuild = Ke, Z.setResponsive = _e, Z.destroy = function(o) { ze(!1, "internal"), Fe(!1), Ve(!1), le.addClass(c), clearTimeout(ge), clearTimeout(pe), clearTimeout(ve), clearTimeout(me), clearTimeout(we), Q.off("scroll", Ge).off("hashchange", mo).off("resize", Mo), G.off("keydown", So).off("keyup", xo).off("click touchstart", L + " a").off("mouseenter", L + " li").off("mouseleave", L + " li").off("click touchstart", V).off("mouseover", j.normalScrollElements).off("mouseout", j.normalScrollElements), e(m).off("click touchstart", Y), clearTimeout(ge), clearTimeout(pe), o && function() { Qo(0), le.find("img[data-src], source[data-src], audio[data-src], iframe[data-src]").each(function() { co(e(this), "src") }), le.find("img[data-srcset]").each(function() { co(e(this), "srcset") }), e(L + ", " + F + ", " + Y).remove(), e(m).css({ height: "", "background-color": "", padding: "" }), e(M).css({ width: "" }), le.css({ height: "", position: "", "-ms-touch-action": "", "touch-action": "" }), W.css({ overflow: "", height: "" }), e("html").removeClass(d), J.removeClass(s), e.each(J.get(0).className.split(/\s+/), function(e, o) { 0 === o.indexOf(f) && J.removeClass(o) }), e(m + ", " + M).each(function() { j.scrollOverflowHandler && j.scrollOverflowHandler.remove(e(this)), e(this).removeClass(P + " " + u), e(this).attr("style", e(this).data("fp-styles")) }), zo(le), le.find(y + ", " + D + ", " + z).each(function() { e(this).replaceWith(this.childNodes) }), le.css({ "-webkit-transition": "none", transition: "none" }), W.scrollTop(0); var o = [g, E, H]; e.each(o, function(o, n) { e("." + n).removeClass(n) }) }() }, Z.shared = { afterRenderActions: Qe }, function() { j.css3 && (j.css3 = function() { var e, t = n.createElement("p"), a = { webkitTransform: "-webkit-transform", OTransform: "-o-transform", msTransform: "-ms-transform", MozTransform: "-moz-transform", transform: "transform" }; for (var l in n.body.insertBefore(t, null), a) t.style[l] !== i && (t.style[l] = "translate3d(1px,1px,1px)", e = o.getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue(a[l])); return n.body.removeChild(t), e !== i && e.length > 0 && "none" !== e }()); j.scrollBar = j.scrollBar || j.hybrid, t = le.find(j.sectionSelector), j.anchors.length || (j.anchors = t.filter("[data-anchor]").map(function() { return e(this).data("anchor").toString() }).get()), j.navigationTooltips.length || (j.navigationTooltips = t.filter("[data-tooltip]").map(function() { return e(this).data("tooltip").toString() }).get()), le.css({ height: "100%", position: "relative" }), le.addClass(a), e("html").addClass(d), se = Q.height(), le.removeClass(c), le.find(j.sectionSelector).addClass(g), le.find(j.slideSelector).addClass(E), e(m).each(function(o) { var n, t, i, a, s = e(this), r = s.find(M), c = r.length; s.data("fp-styles", s.attr("style")), i = s, (a = o) || 0 !== e(w).length || i.addClass(u), ne = e(w), i.css("height", se + "px"), j.paddingTop && i.css("padding-top", j.paddingTop), j.paddingBottom && i.css("padding-bottom", j.paddingBottom), void 0 !== j.sectionsColor[a] && i.css("background-color", j.sectionsColor[a]), void 0 !== j.anchors[a] && i.attr("data-anchor", j.anchors[a]), n = s, t = o, void 0 !== j.anchors[t] && n.hasClass(u) && Ho(j.anchors[t], t), j.menu && j.css3 && e(j.menu).closest(l).length && e(j.menu).appendTo(J), c > 0 ? function(o, n, t) { var i, a = 100 * t, l = 100 / t; n.wrapAll('
'), n.parent().wrap('
'), o.find(D).css("width", a + "%"), t > 1 && (j.controlArrows && ((i = o).find(z).after('
'), "#fff" != j.controlArrowColor && (i.find(_).css("border-color", "transparent transparent transparent " + j.controlArrowColor), i.find(U).css("border-color", "transparent " + j.controlArrowColor + " transparent transparent")), j.loopHorizontal || i.find(U).hide()), j.slidesNavigation && function(e, o) { e.append('
    '); var n = e.find(F); n.addClass(j.slidesNavPosition); for (var t = 0; t < o; t++) n.find("ul").append('
  • '); n.css("margin-left", "-" + n.width() / 2 + "px"), n.find("li").first().find("a").addClass(u) }(o, t)), n.each(function(o) { e(this).css("width", l + "%"), j.verticalCentered && Po(e(this)) }); var s = o.find(B); s.length && (0 !== e(w).index(m) || 0 === e(w).index(m) && 0 !== s.index()) ? _o(s, "internal") : n.eq(0).addClass(u) }(s, r, c) : j.verticalCentered && Po(s) }), j.fixedElements && j.css3 && e(j.fixedElements).appendTo(J), j.navigation && function() { J.append('
      '); var o = e(L); o.addClass(function() { return j.showActiveTooltip ? I + " " + j.navigationPosition : j.navigationPosition }); for (var n = 0; n < e(m).length; n++) { var t = ""; j.anchors.length && (t = j.anchors[n]); var i = '
    • ', a = j.navigationTooltips[n]; void 0 !== a && "" !== a && (i += '
      ' + a + "
      "), i += "
    • ", o.find("ul").append(i) } e(L).css("margin-top", "-" + e(L).height() / 2 + "px"), e(L).find("li").eq(e(w).index(m)).find("a").addClass(u) }(), le.find('iframe[src*="youtube.com/embed/"]').each(function() { var o, n, t; o = e(this), n = "enablejsapi=1", t = o.attr("src"), o.attr("src", t + (/\?/.test(t) ? "&" : "?") + n) }), j.scrollOverflow ? he = j.scrollOverflowHandler.init(j) : Qe(), Fe(!0), ze(j.autoScrolling, "internal"), Bo(), Wo(), "complete" === n.readyState && go(); var t; Q.on("load", go) }(), Q.on("scroll", Ge).on("hashchange", mo).blur(ko).resize(Mo), G.keydown(So).keyup(xo).on("click touchstart", L + " a", Lo).on("click touchstart", V, Ao).on("click", O, bo), e(m).on("click touchstart", Y, To), j.normalScrollElements && (G.on("mouseenter touchstart", j.normalScrollElements, function() { Fe(!1) }), G.on("mouseleave touchend", j.normalScrollElements, function() { Fe(!0) }))); var Te = !1, ke = 0, Le = 0, Ae = 0, Oe = 0, Ie = 0, Ee = (new Date).getTime(), Me = 0, Be = 0, Re = se } function ze(o, n) { o || Qo(0), Zo("autoScrolling", o, n); var t = e(w); j.autoScrolling && !j.scrollBar ? (W.css({ overflow: "hidden", height: "100%" }), He(Ce.recordHistory, "internal"), le.css({ "-ms-touch-action": "none", "touch-action": "none" }), t.length && Qo(t.position().top)) : (W.css({ overflow: "visible", height: "initial" }), He(!1, "internal"), le.css({ "-ms-touch-action": "", "touch-action": "" }), t.length && W.scrollTop(t.position().top)) } function He(e, o) { Zo("recordHistory", e, o) } function De(e, o) { Zo("scrollingSpeed", e, o) } function Pe(e, o) { Zo("fitToSection", e, o) } function qe(e) { e ? (! function() { var e, t = ""; o.addEventListener ? e = "addEventListener" : (e = "attachEvent", t = "on"); var a = "onwheel" in n.createElement("div") ? "wheel" : n.onmousewheel !== i ? "mousewheel" : "DOMMouseScroll"; "DOMMouseScroll" == a ? n[e](t + "MozMousePixelScroll", io, !1) : n[e](t + a, io, !1) }(), le.on("mousedown", yo).on("mouseup", Co)) : (n.addEventListener ? (n.removeEventListener("mousewheel", io, !1), n.removeEventListener("wheel", io, !1), n.removeEventListener("MozMousePixelScroll", io, !1)) : n.detachEvent("onmousewheel", io), le.off("mousedown", yo).off("mouseup", Co)) } function Fe(o, n) { void 0 !== n ? (n = n.replace(/ /g, "").split(","), e.each(n, function(e, n) { Jo(o, n, "m") })) : (Jo(o, "all", "m"), o ? (qe(!0), (ie || ae) && (j.autoScrolling && J.off(xe.touchmove).on(xe.touchmove, $e), e(l).off(xe.touchstart).on(xe.touchstart, no).off(xe.touchmove).on(xe.touchmove, eo))) : (qe(!1), (ie || ae) && (j.autoScrolling && J.off(xe.touchmove), e(l).off(xe.touchstart).off(xe.touchmove)))) } function Ve(o, n) { void 0 !== n ? (n = n.replace(/ /g, "").split(","), e.each(n, function(e, n) { Jo(o, n, "k") })) : (Jo(o, "all", "k"), j.keyboardScrolling = o) } function je() { var o = e(w).prev(m); o.length || !j.loopTop && !j.continuousVertical || (o = e(m).last()), o.length && so(o, null, !0) } function Ye() { var o = e(w).next(m); o.length || !j.loopBottom && !j.continuousVertical || (o = e(m).first()), o.length && so(o, null, !1) } function Ne(e, o) { De(0, "internal"), Xe(e, o), De(Ce.scrollingSpeed, "internal") } function Xe(e, o) { var n = Vo(e); void 0 !== o ? jo(e, o) : n.length > 0 && so(n) } function Ue(e) { ao("right", e) } function We(e) { ao("left", e) } function Ke(o) { if (!le.hasClass(c)) { re = !0, se = Q.height(), e(m).each(function() { var o = e(this).find(z), n = e(this).find(M); j.verticalCentered && e(this).find(y).css("height", qo(e(this)) + "px"), e(this).css("height", se + "px"), n.length > 1 && Io(o, o.find(B)) }), j.scrollOverflow && he.createScrollBarForAll(); var n = e(w).index(m); n && Ne(n + 1), re = !1, e.isFunction(j.afterResize) && o && j.afterResize.call(le), e.isFunction(j.afterReBuild) && !o && j.afterReBuild.call(le) } } function _e(o) { var n = J.hasClass(s); o ? n || (ze(!1, "internal"), Pe(!1, "internal"), e(L).hide(), J.addClass(s), e.isFunction(j.afterResponsive) && j.afterResponsive.call(le, o)) : n && (ze(Ce.autoScrolling, "internal"), Pe(Ce.autoScrolling, "internal"), e(L).show(), J.removeClass(s), e.isFunction(j.afterResponsive) && j.afterResponsive.call(le, o)) } function Qe() { var o, n = e(w); n.addClass(v), fo(n), uo(n), j.scrollOverflow && j.scrollOverflowHandler.afterLoad(), (!(o = Vo(wo().section)) || o.length && o.index() === ne.index()) && e.isFunction(j.afterLoad) && j.afterLoad.call(n, n.data("anchor"), n.index(m) + 1), e.isFunction(j.afterRender) && j.afterRender.call(le) } function Ge() { var o, t, i; if (!j.autoScrolling || j.scrollBar) { var a = Q.scrollTop(), l = (i = (t = a) > ke ? "down" : "up", ke = t, Me = t, i), s = 0, r = a + Q.height() / 2, c = J.height() - Q.height() === a, d = n.querySelectorAll(m); if (c) s = d.length - 1; else if (a) for (var f = 0; f < d.length; ++f) { d[f].offsetTop <= r && (s = f) } else s = 0; if (function(o) { var n = e(w).position().top, t = n + Q.height(); if ("up" == o) return t >= Q.scrollTop() + Q.height(); return n <= Q.scrollTop() }(l) && (e(w).hasClass(v) || e(w).addClass(v).siblings().removeClass(v)), !(o = e(d).eq(s)).hasClass(u)) { Te = !0; var h, p, g = e(w), S = g.index(m) + 1, b = Do(o), x = o.data("anchor"), y = o.index(m) + 1, C = o.find(B); C.length && (p = C.data("anchor"), h = C.index()), de && (o.addClass(u).siblings().removeClass(u), e.isFunction(j.onLeave) && j.onLeave.call(g, S, y, b), e.isFunction(j.afterLoad) && j.afterLoad.call(o, x, y), vo(g), fo(o), uo(o), Ho(x, y - 1), j.anchors.length && ($ = x), No(h, p, x, y)), clearTimeout(me), me = setTimeout(function() { Te = !1 }, 100) } j.fitToSection && (clearTimeout(we), we = setTimeout(function() { j.fitToSection && e(w).outerHeight() <= se && Je() }, j.fitToSectionDelay)) } } function Je() { de && (re = !0, so(e(w)), re = !1) } function Ze(o) { if (ue.m[o]) { var n = "down" === o ? Ye : je; if (j.scrollOverflow) { var t = j.scrollOverflowHandler.scrollable(e(w)), i = "down" === o ? "bottom" : "top"; if (t.length > 0) { if (!j.scrollOverflowHandler.isScrolled(i, t)) return !0; n() } else n() } else n() } } function $e(e) { var o = e.originalEvent; j.autoScrolling && oo(o) && e.preventDefault() } function eo(o) { var n = o.originalEvent, i = e(n.target).closest(m); if (oo(n)) { j.autoScrolling && o.preventDefault(); var a = Ko(n); Oe = a.y, Ie = a.x, i.find(z).length && t.abs(Ae - Ie) > t.abs(Le - Oe) ? !te && t.abs(Ae - Ie) > Q.outerWidth() / 100 * j.touchSensitivity && (Ae > Ie ? ue.m.right && Ue(i) : ue.m.left && We(i)) : j.autoScrolling && de && t.abs(Le - Oe) > Q.height() / 100 * j.touchSensitivity && (Le > Oe ? Ze("down") : Oe > Le && Ze("up")) } } function oo(e) { return void 0 === e.pointerType || "mouse" != e.pointerType } function no(e) { var o = e.originalEvent; if (j.fitToSection && W.stop(), oo(o)) { var n = Ko(o); Le = n.y, Ae = n.x } } function to(e, o) { for (var n = 0, i = e.slice(t.max(e.length - o, 1)), a = 0; a < i.length; a++) n += i[a]; return t.ceil(n / o) } function io(n) { var i = (new Date).getTime(), a = e(p).hasClass(T); if (j.autoScrolling && !oe && !a) { var l = (n = n || o.event).wheelDelta || -n.deltaY || -n.detail, s = t.max(-1, t.min(1, l)), r = void 0 !== n.wheelDeltaX || void 0 !== n.deltaX, c = t.abs(n.wheelDeltaX) < t.abs(n.wheelDelta) || t.abs(n.deltaX) < t.abs(n.deltaY) || !r; fe.length > 149 && fe.shift(), fe.push(t.abs(l)), j.scrollBar && (n.preventDefault ? n.preventDefault() : n.returnValue = !1); var d = i - Ee; if (Ee = i, d > 200 && (fe = []), de) to(fe, 10) >= to(fe, 70) && c && Ze(s < 0 ? "down" : "up"); return !1 } j.fitToSection && W.stop() } function ao(o, n) { var t = (void 0 === n ? e(w) : n).find(z), i = t.find(M).length; if (!(!t.length || te || i < 2)) { var a = t.find(B), l = null; if (!(l = "left" === o ? a.prev(M) : a.next(M)).length) { if (!j.loopHorizontal) return; l = "left" === o ? a.siblings(":last") : a.siblings(":first") } te = !0, Io(t, l, o) } } function lo() { e(B).each(function() { _o(e(this), "internal") }) } function so(o, n, i) { if (void 0 !== o) { var a, s, r, c, d, f, h, v, p = { element: o, callback: n, isMovementUp: i, dtop: (s = (a = o).position(), r = s.top, c = s.top > Me, d = r - se + a.outerHeight(), f = j.bigSectionsDestination, a.outerHeight() > se ? (c || f) && "bottom" !== f || (r = d) : (c || re && a.is(":last-child")) && (r = d), Me = r, r), yMovement: Do(o), anchorLink: o.data("anchor"), sectionIndex: o.index(m), activeSlide: o.find(B), activeSection: e(w), leavingSection: e(w).index(m) + 1, localIsResizing: re }; if (!(p.activeSection.is(o) && !re || j.scrollBar && Q.scrollTop() === p.dtop && !o.hasClass(C))) { if (p.activeSlide.length && (h = p.activeSlide.data("anchor"), v = p.activeSlide.index()), e.isFunction(j.onLeave) && !p.localIsResizing) { var g = p.yMovement; if (void 0 !== i && (g = i ? "up" : "down"), !1 === j.onLeave.call(p.activeSection, p.leavingSection, p.sectionIndex + 1, g)) return } j.autoScrolling && j.continuousVertical && void 0 !== p.isMovementUp && (!p.isMovementUp && "up" == p.yMovement || p.isMovementUp && "down" == p.yMovement) && (p = function(o) { o.isMovementUp ? e(w).before(o.activeSection.nextAll(m)) : e(w).after(o.activeSection.prevAll(m).get().reverse()); return Qo(e(w).position().top), lo(), o.wrapAroundElements = o.activeSection, o.dtop = o.element.position().top, o.yMovement = Do(o.element), o.leavingSection = o.activeSection.index(m) + 1, o.sectionIndex = o.element.index(m), o }(p)), p.localIsResizing || vo(p.activeSection), j.scrollOverflow && j.scrollOverflowHandler.beforeLeave(), o.addClass(u).siblings().removeClass(u), fo(o), j.scrollOverflow && j.scrollOverflowHandler.onLeave(), de = !1, No(v, h, p.anchorLink, p.sectionIndex), function(o) { if (j.css3 && j.autoScrolling && !j.scrollBar) { var n = "translate3d(0px, -" + t.round(o.dtop) + "px, 0px)"; Fo(n, !0), j.scrollingSpeed ? (clearTimeout(pe), pe = setTimeout(function() { ro(o) }, j.scrollingSpeed)) : ro(o) } else { var i = function(e) { var o = {}; j.autoScrolling && !j.scrollBar ? (o.options = { top: -e.dtop }, o.element = l) : (o.options = { scrollTop: e.dtop }, o.element = "html, body"); return o }(o); e(i.element).animate(i.options, j.scrollingSpeed, j.easing).promise().done(function() { j.scrollBar ? setTimeout(function() { ro(o) }, 30) : ro(o) }) } }(p), $ = p.anchorLink, Ho(p.anchorLink, p.sectionIndex) } } } function ro(o) { var n; (n = o).wrapAroundElements && n.wrapAroundElements.length && (n.isMovementUp ? e(S).before(n.wrapAroundElements) : e(b).after(n.wrapAroundElements), Qo(e(w).position().top), lo()), e.isFunction(j.afterLoad) && !o.localIsResizing && j.afterLoad.call(o.element, o.anchorLink, o.sectionIndex + 1), j.scrollOverflow && j.scrollOverflowHandler.afterLoad(), o.localIsResizing || uo(o.element), o.element.addClass(v).siblings().removeClass(v), de = !0, e.isFunction(o.callback) && o.callback.call(this) } function co(e, o) { e.attr(o, e.data(o)).removeAttr("data-" + o) } function fo(o) { var n; j.lazyLoading && po(o).find("img[data-src], img[data-srcset], source[data-src], source[data-srcset], video[data-src], audio[data-src], iframe[data-src]").each(function() { if (n = e(this), e.each(["src", "srcset"], function(e, o) { var t = n.attr("data-" + o); void 0 !== t && t && co(n, o) }), n.is("source")) { var o = n.closest("video").length ? "video" : "audio"; n.closest(o).get(0).load() } }) } function uo(o) { var n = po(o); n.find("video, audio").each(function() { var o = e(this).get(0); o.hasAttribute("data-autoplay") && "function" == typeof o.play && o.play() }), n.find('iframe[src*="youtube.com/embed/"]').each(function() { var o = e(this).get(0); o.hasAttribute("data-autoplay") && ho(o), o.onload = function() { o.hasAttribute("data-autoplay") && ho(o) } }) } function ho(e) { e.contentWindow.postMessage('{"event":"command","func":"playVideo","args":""}', "*") } function vo(o) { var n = po(o); n.find("video, audio").each(function() { var o = e(this).get(0); o.hasAttribute("data-keepplaying") || "function" != typeof o.pause || o.pause() }), n.find('iframe[src*="youtube.com/embed/"]').each(function() { var o = e(this).get(0); /youtube\.com\/embed\//.test(e(this).attr("src")) && !o.hasAttribute("data-keepplaying") && e(this).get(0).contentWindow.postMessage('{"event":"command","func":"pauseVideo","args":""}', "*") }) } function po(o) { var n = o.find(B); return n.length && (o = e(n)), o } function go() { var e = wo(), o = e.section, n = e.slide; o && (j.animateAnchor ? jo(o, n) : Ne(o, n)) } function mo() { if (!Te && !j.lockAnchors) { var e = wo(), o = e.section, n = e.slide, t = void 0 === $, i = void 0 === $ && void 0 === n && !te; o && o.length && (o && o !== $ && !t || i || !te && ee != n) && jo(o, n) } } function wo() { var e, n, t = o.location.hash; if (t.length) { var i = t.replace("#", "").split("/"), a = t.indexOf("#/") > -1; e = a ? "/" + i[1] : decodeURIComponent(i[0]); var l = a ? i[2] : i[1]; l && l.length && (n = decodeURIComponent(l)) } return { section: e, slide: n } } function So(o) { clearTimeout(Se); var n = e(":focus"), t = o.which; if (9 === t) ! function(o) { var n = o.shiftKey, t = e(":focus"), i = e(w), a = i.find(B), l = (a.length ? a : i).find(ye).not('[tabindex="-1"]'); function s(e) { return e.preventDefault(), l.first().focus() } t.length ? t.closest(w, B).length || (t = s(o)) : s(o); (!n && t.is(l.last()) || n && t.is(l.first())) && o.preventDefault() }(o); else if (!n.is("textarea") && !n.is("input") && !n.is("select") && "true" !== n.attr("contentEditable") && "" !== n.attr("contentEditable") && j.keyboardScrolling && j.autoScrolling) { e.inArray(t, [40, 38, 32, 33, 34]) > -1 && o.preventDefault(), oe = o.ctrlKey, Se = setTimeout(function() { ! function(o) { var n = o.shiftKey; if (!de && [37, 39].indexOf(o.which) < 0) return; switch (o.which) { case 38: case 33: ue.k.up && je(); break; case 32: if (n && ue.k.up) { je(); break } case 40: case 34: ue.k.down && Ye(); break; case 36: ue.k.up && Xe(1); break; case 35: ue.k.down && Xe(e(m).length); break; case 37: ue.k.left && We(); break; case 39: ue.k.right && Ue(); break; default: ; } }(o) }, 150) } } function bo() { e(this).prev().trigger("click") } function xo(e) { ce && (oe = e.ctrlKey) } function yo(e) { 2 == e.which && (Be = e.pageY, le.on("mousemove", Oo)) } function Co(e) { 2 == e.which && le.off("mousemove") } function To() { var o = e(this).closest(m); e(this).hasClass(N) ? ue.m.left && We(o) : ue.m.right && Ue(o) } function ko() { ce = !1, oe = !1 } function Lo(o) { o.preventDefault(); var n = e(this).parent().index(); so(e(m).eq(n)) } function Ao(o) { o.preventDefault(); var n = e(this).closest(m).find(z); Io(n, n.find(M).eq(e(this).closest("li").index())) } function Oo(e) { de && (e.pageY < Be && ue.m.up ? je() : e.pageY > Be && ue.m.down && Ye()), Be = e.pageY } function Io(o, n, i) { var a = o.closest(m), l = { slides: o, destiny: n, direction: i, destinyPos: n.position(), slideIndex: n.index(), section: a, sectionIndex: a.index(m), anchorLink: a.data("anchor"), slidesNav: a.find(F), slideAnchor: Uo(n), prevSlide: a.find(B), prevSlideIndex: a.find(B).index(), localIsResizing: re }; l.xMovement = function(e, o) { if (e == o) return "none"; if (e > o) return "left"; return "right" }(l.prevSlideIndex, l.slideIndex), l.localIsResizing || (de = !1), j.onSlideLeave && !l.localIsResizing && "none" !== l.xMovement && e.isFunction(j.onSlideLeave) && !1 === j.onSlideLeave.call(l.prevSlide, l.anchorLink, l.sectionIndex + 1, l.prevSlideIndex, l.direction, l.slideIndex) ? te = !1 : (n.addClass(u).siblings().removeClass(u), l.localIsResizing || (vo(l.prevSlide), fo(n)), !j.loopHorizontal && j.controlArrows && (a.find(U).toggle(0 !== l.slideIndex), a.find(_).toggle(!n.is(":last-child"))), a.hasClass(u) && !l.localIsResizing && No(l.slideIndex, l.slideAnchor, l.anchorLink, l.sectionIndex), function(e, o, n) { var i = o.destinyPos; if (j.css3) { var a = "translate3d(-" + t.round(i.left) + "px, 0px, 0px)"; Ro(e.find(D)).css(Go(a)), ge = setTimeout(function() { n && Eo(o) }, j.scrollingSpeed, j.easing) } else e.animate({ scrollLeft: t.round(i.left) }, j.scrollingSpeed, j.easing, function() { n && Eo(o) }) }(o, l, !0)) } function Eo(o) { var n, t; n = o.slidesNav, t = o.slideIndex, n.find(h).removeClass(u), n.find("li").eq(t).find("a").addClass(u), o.localIsResizing || (e.isFunction(j.afterSlideLoad) && j.afterSlideLoad.call(o.destiny, o.anchorLink, o.sectionIndex + 1, o.slideAnchor, o.slideIndex), de = !0, uo(o.destiny)), te = !1 } function Mo() { if (Bo(), ie) { var o = e(n.activeElement); if (!o.is("textarea") && !o.is("input") && !o.is("select")) { var i = Q.height(); t.abs(i - Re) > 20 * t.max(Re, i) / 100 && (Ke(!0), Re = i) } } else clearTimeout(ve), ve = setTimeout(function() { Ke(!0) }, 350) } function Bo() { var e = j.responsive || j.responsiveWidth, o = j.responsiveHeight, n = e && Q.outerWidth() < e, t = o && Q.height() < o; e && o ? _e(n || t) : e ? _e(n) : o && _e(t) } function Ro(e) { var o = "all " + j.scrollingSpeed + "ms " + j.easingcss3; return e.removeClass(r), e.css({ "-webkit-transition": o, transition: o }) } function zo(e) { return e.addClass(r) } function Ho(o, n) { var t, i, a; t = o, j.menu && (e(j.menu).find(h).removeClass(u), e(j.menu).find('[data-menuanchor="' + t + '"]').addClass(u)), i = o, a = n, j.navigation && (e(L).find(h).removeClass(u), i ? e(L).find('a[href="#' + i + '"]').addClass(u) : e(L).find("li").eq(a).find("a").addClass(u)) } function Do(o) { var n = e(w).index(m), t = o.index(m); return n == t ? "none" : n > t ? "up" : "down" } function Po(o) { if (!o.hasClass(P)) { var n = e('
      ').height(qo(o)); o.addClass(P).wrapInner(n) } } function qo(e) { var o = se; if (j.paddingTop || j.paddingBottom) { var n = e; n.hasClass(g) || (n = e.closest(m)); var t = parseInt(n.css("padding-top")) + parseInt(n.css("padding-bottom")); o = se - t } return o } function Fo(e, o) { o ? Ro(le) : zo(le), le.css(Go(e)), setTimeout(function() { le.removeClass(r) }, 10) } function Vo(o) { var n = le.find(m + '[data-anchor="' + o + '"]'); if (!n.length) { var t = void 0 !== o ? o - 1 : 0; n = e(m).eq(t) } return n } function jo(e, o) { var n = Vo(e); if (n.length) { var t, i, a, l = (t = o, (a = (i = n).find(M + '[data-anchor="' + t + '"]')).length || (t = void 0 !== t ? t : 0, a = i.find(M).eq(t)), a); e === $ || n.hasClass(u) ? Yo(l) : so(n, function() { Yo(l) }) } } function Yo(e) { e.length && Io(e.closest(z), e) } function No(e, o, n, t) { var i = ""; j.anchors.length && !j.lockAnchors && (e ? (void 0 !== n && (i = n), void 0 === o && (o = e), ee = o, Xo(i + "/" + o)) : void 0 !== e ? (ee = o, Xo(n)) : Xo(n)), Wo() } function Xo(e) { if (j.recordHistory) location.hash = e; else if (ie || ae) o.history.replaceState(i, i, "#" + e); else { var n = o.location.href.split("#")[0]; o.location.replace(n + "#" + e) } } function Uo(e) { var o = e.data("anchor"), n = e.index(); return void 0 === o && (o = n), o } function Wo() { var o = e(w), n = o.find(B), t = Uo(o), i = Uo(n), a = String(t); n.length && (a = a + "-" + i), a = a.replace("/", "-").replace("#", ""); var l = new RegExp("\\b\\s?" + f + "-[^\\s]+\\b", "g"); J[0].className = J[0].className.replace(l, ""), J.addClass(f + "-" + a) } function Ko(e) { var o = []; return o.y = void 0 !== e.pageY && (e.pageY || e.pageX) ? e.pageY : e.touches[0].pageY, o.x = void 0 !== e.pageX && (e.pageY || e.pageX) ? e.pageX : e.touches[0].pageX, ae && oo(e) && (j.scrollBar || !j.autoScrolling) && (o.y = e.touches[0].pageY, o.x = e.touches[0].pageX), o } function _o(e, o) { De(0, "internal"), void 0 !== o && (re = !0), Io(e.closest(z), e), void 0 !== o && (re = !1), De(Ce.scrollingSpeed, "internal") } function Qo(e) { var o = t.round(e); j.css3 && j.autoScrolling && !j.scrollBar ? Fo("translate3d(0px, -" + o + "px, 0px)", !1) : j.autoScrolling && !j.scrollBar ? le.css("top", -o) : W.scrollTop(o) } function Go(e) { return { "-webkit-transform": e, "-moz-transform": e, "-ms-transform": e, transform: e } } function Jo(o, n, t) { "all" !== n ? ue[t][n] = o : e.each(Object.keys(ue[t]), function(e, n) { ue[t][n] = o }) } function Zo(e, o, n) { j[e] = o, "internal" !== n && (Ce[e] = o) } function $o() { e("html").hasClass(d) ? en("error", "Fullpage.js can only be initialized once and you are doing it multiple times!") : (j.continuousVertical && (j.loopTop || j.loopBottom) && (j.continuousVertical = !1, en("warn", "Option `loopTop/loopBottom` is mutually exclusive with `continuousVertical`; `continuousVertical` disabled")), j.scrollBar && j.scrollOverflow && en("warn", "Option `scrollBar` is mutually exclusive with `scrollOverflow`. Sections with scrollOverflow might not work well in Firefox"), !j.continuousVertical || !j.scrollBar && j.autoScrolling || (j.continuousVertical = !1, en("warn", "Scroll bars (`scrollBar:true` or `autoScrolling:false`) are mutually exclusive with `continuousVertical`; `continuousVertical` disabled")), j.scrollOverflow && !j.scrollOverflowHandler && (j.scrollOverflow = !1, en("error", "The option `scrollOverflow:true` requires the file `scrolloverflow.min.js`. Please include it before fullPage.js.")), e.each(["fadingEffect", "continuousHorizontal", "scrollHorizontally", "interlockedSlides", "resetSliders", "responsiveSlides", "offsetSections", "dragAndMove", "scrollOverflowReset", "parallax"], function(e, o) { j[o] && en("warn", "fullpage.js extensions require jquery.fullpage.extensions.min.js file instead of the usual jquery.fullpage.js. Requested: " + o) }), e.each(j.anchors, function(o, n) { var t = G.find("[name]").filter(function() { return e(this).attr("name") && e(this).attr("name").toLowerCase() == n.toLowerCase() }), i = G.find("[id]").filter(function() { return e(this).attr("id") && e(this).attr("id").toLowerCase() == n.toLowerCase() }); (i.length || t.length) && (en("error", "data-anchor tags can not have the same value as any `id` element on the site (or `name` element for IE)."), i.length && en("error", '"' + n + '" is is being used by another element `id` property'), t.length && en("error", '"' + n + '" is is being used by another element `name` property')) })) } function en(e, o) { console && console[e] && console[e]("fullPage: " + o) } } }); //# sourceMappingURL=jquery.fullpage.min.js.map